Compliance Certification


Main Content

The SACSCOC Compliance Certification consists of four parts:

PART 1: Signature Page for the institution’s chief executive officer and the accreditation liaison

PART 2: List of all substantive changes that have been reported and approved by the Commission since the institution’s last reaffirmation as well as the date of approval

PART 3: The institution’s assessment of compliance with the Principles of Accreditation. Each response includes the following:

  • the wording of the standard
  • our determination of the level of compliance (Compliance, Partial Compliance, Non-Compliance)
  • a clear, succinct narrative that presents a convincing justification of compliance based on analysis and appropriate
  • links to reliable, current, verifiable, coherent, objective, relative and representative evidence
  • a list of all supporting documentation referenced in the narrative.

PART 4: An attached and updated “Institutional Summary Form Prepared for Commission Reviews” that (a) lists all locations where coursework toward a degree, certificate, or diploma can be obtained primarily through traditional classroom instruction and (b) describes distance education credit offerings that can be obtained primarily through electronic means.

The Compliance Certification will be submitted to the Commission no later than September 10, 2019.