Counseling Program/Student Outcomes

Fort Valley State University School Counselor Education

The FVSU School Counselor Education program continues to produce proficient school counselors each year. A majority of our graduates are securing jobs within the school counseling profession after graduation. Some are also choosing to pursue further degrees, such as the Education Specialist degree and doctoral degrees in related fields. Some graduates are pursuing licensure as Licensed Professional Counselors while working in school systems or other behavioral health facilities.

Data from the 2017-2018 academic term confirm the viability of our program:

  1. Number of graduates: 12
  2. Completion rate: 68%
  3. GACE certification exam pass rate: 100%
  4. Job placement rate: 75% of our recent graduates are working as school counselors or counseling-related positions. Another 25%  are continuing employment in school systems until they obtain a school counseling position.

These data confirm that the majority of students entering our program are completing the program, passing the certification exams, and obtaining employment as counselors. Our cohort model, quality instruction, and the low faculty to student ratio contribute to students’ success in the program.


– New students are admitted each year during summer semester which begins the end of May.

– Completed applications to the office of Graduate Studies are due by April 15th.  Apply here: Graduate Application

– Before entering our program students must pass the GACE Program Admissions exams (basic skills tests in reading, writing, and math), or be exempt with SAT, GRE, or ACT scores.