FVSU Emergency Management: Bomb or Suspicious Package



Notify the FVSU Police @ 478-825-6211 or Dial 911 immediately.

Together we can help keep our communities safe—if you see something that is suspicious, out of place, or doesn’t look right, say something. A suspicious item is any item (e.g., bag, package, vehicle, etc.) that is reasonably believed to contain explosives, an improvised explosive device (IED).  Examples that could indicate a bomb include unexplainable wires or electronics, other visible bomb-like components, and unusual sounds, vapors, mists, or odors. Generally speaking, anything that is Hidden, Obviously suspicious, and not Typical (HOT) should be deemed suspicious. In addition, potential indicators for a bomb are threats, placement, and proximity of the item to people and valuable assets.

Should you see a suspicious item as mentioned above, follow these procedures:

  • Remain calm.
  • Do NOT touch, tamper with, or move the package, bag, or item.
  • Notify authorities immediately:
    • Notify you’re a building manager, residence assistant, facility supervisor, immediately.
    • Contact Campus Police 478-825-6211 or Dial 9-1-1 or your local law enforcement if no facility supervisor is available.
    • Explain why it appears suspicious.
  • Follow instructions. Facility supervisors and/or law enforcement will assess the situation and provide guidance regarding shelter-in-place or evacuation.
  • If no guidance is provided and you feel you are in immediate danger, calmly evacuate the area. Distance and protective cover are the best ways to reduce injury from a bomb.
  • Be aware. There could be other threats or suspicious items.

If you receive a phone call that includes a bomb threat, remain calm and keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. You should also:

  • Ask the caller for the exact location and time of possible detonation
  • Pay particular attention to any strange or peculiar noises, such as motors running, background music, etc.
  • Listen closely to the voice (male or female), quality of voice (calm or excited), accents, and speech impediments
  • Notify FVSU Police at 478-825-6211.

We are also encouraging the campus community to download the RAVE Guardian app. Using this app allows you to be immediately connected with our campus dispatch to alert authorities to anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. It also provides emergency alerts for FVSU.