Worker's Compensation

Should you have an accident while on the job, report the accident immediately to your supervisor. If medical treatment is required, treatment should be arranged as appropriate from a physician on the approved panel of physicians. The supervisor is responsible for calling Teleclaim (DOAS) within 24 hours at 1-877-656-RISK (7475) to report all work place injuries. A panel of physicians listing should be located in each work area. If you need a list, please call the Office of Human Resources. As soon as possible after the accident, call the toll-free number above with the following information:

  • Name, Address, Social Security Number, Age & Sex of Injured Employee
  • Name of Employing Agency, Address and Telephone #
  • Date, Time and Description of Accident (How, Where, Why)
  • Part of Body Injured and Type of Injury (cut, scrape, burn, etc.)
  • Hourly/Weekly/Monthly Wage
  • Name and Address of Physician/Hospital
  • Has Employee Returned to Work?

Only injuries requiring medical care or lost time from work should be reported. Those injuries requiring only first aid or requiring no medical care should be recorded with the Office of Human Resources as an incident only (“incident only” forms can be obtained from The Office of Human Resources).

Additional Board of Regents policies are available on the Internet at: