Program Requirements

To join and remain in The Fort Valley State University Honors Program, all students must meet the following qualifications:

  • Maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.30 or higher.
    • Entering freshmen must have on overall high school GPA of 3.50 or higher.
    • Existing FVSU students may apply after completing 15 credit hours but before completing more than 60 credit hours if their institutional GPA is 3.50 or higher.
    • Honors students whose GPA falls below 3.30 will be placed on a one-semester probation in the program.
      • While on probation, honors students are be expected to continue their participation in all required Honors Program extracurricular activities, but may not register for honors courses.
      • If a probationary honors student’s GPA does not return to 3.30 or higher at the end of a single probationary semester, she or he will be dismissed from the Honors Program.
  • Earn a B or higher in a minimum number of credit hours in honors courses.
    • Students who join the Honors Program at any point during their freshman year must complete a total of 18 credit hours in honors courses during their academic tenure at FVSU.
    • Students who join the Honors Program at any time after their freshman year must complete a total of 12 credit hours in honors courses during their academic tenure at FVSU.
    • Students may receive credit for up to 9 hours of their honors credit requirement for Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment credits earned while they were in high school, provided that those credits appear on their FVSU transcript.
  • Maintain a minimum enrollment of 15 credit hours each Fall and Spring Semester.
  • Abide by all policies in the most current FVSU Student Handbook.
  • Comport themselves in accordance by the FVSU Honor Code; submitting an application to the Honors Program constitutes an acceptance of that code and a pledge to follow both its letter and spirit throughout their academic career.
  • Participate in at least 4 campus intellectual activities during the regular academic year (i.e., each Fall and Spring Semester).
    • These activities include: FVSU speaker programs, an honors student’s presentation of her or his own research as part of the FVSU Undergraduate Research Day (or similar events sponsored by Undergraduate Research, individual colleges, or departments), and participation in the Honors Book Discussion program.
    • Honors students are required to participate in at least one Honors Book Discussion each academic year, and they are encouraged to join all of them.
  • Complete at least one experiential learning experience before graduation. These may include any of the following:
    • An internship related to their major field. Honors students seeking an internship will need to arrange them with the program coordinator of their major program.
    • To recieve Honors Program credit for the internship, once they have completed it honros students must supply the Honors Program Director with the following:
      • Documentation of the completed internship
      • An essay of at least 600 words, explaning how their internship experience has augmented their understanding of education in their major and discipline. The completed essays should be signed by their major's program coordinator. 
    • A study abroad experience. These must be conducted through the FVSU Office of Global Studies and Engagement.
    • A senior-level research project in their major field, which will be designated an Honors Thesis.
      • Honors students who wish to produce an Honors Thesis must identify an appropriate faculty mentor in their field of study and secure her or his agreement to direct the work.
      • Once the Honors Thesis is complete and approved by the faculty mentor, she or he will submit it to the Honors Program Director for approval.
      • Honors Theses must be separate from work completed in major capstone classes, but major program coordinators are encouraged to accept a successfully completed Honors Thesis for 3 hours of independent study credit as a major elective.